Firstly, is there anyone out there who has successfully included a fully functioning Facebook activity feed widget in their website? If so, how do you do that?

I have tried inserting the widget from design gallery and then copied two parts of code into a placeholder on an as yet unpublished WD document via the Web Properties/Placeholder tab. The result (bizarrely) has been the feed from an unrelated Facebook page has appeared on the l/h side of pasteboard (ie outside of webpage) in preview?! Hv tried playing with the pixel dimensions etc in widget dialogue but no joy.

Secondly, what are the steps for publishing website, as this ain´t too well explained in the Help guide. I guess I need to export it first and then transfer it to ftp server, but have never done this before (believe it or not). Also, is it possible to make selective changes to graphic or text elements on individual pages (eg switch pics etc) once it is published without actually republishing the whole site?

Feedback from cyberspace would be appreciated!