I am faced with some strange issues after moving from XDPx9 to XDPx10. It is not easy to explain but I`ll give it a try:
Pictures or vector graphs on a page sometime disappear or won`t be displayed properly (only half or none) when moving something else in the page. Or when clicking them directly to move them. This happens not always but almost always (even while no other software is running in parallel to my knowledge).
The only way to solve this is, to move the whole page out of the screen once it happens and moving it back into screen area.
This for sure is very anoying and does not allow any smooth working process.
There is no matter which size the pics or vectors have, could be only 10KB.
This happens also with a completely new page, opened from scratch and simply inserted with some items.
This happens also after complete deinstallation of XDPx10 and re-installation, the normal way.
And the even more strange thing is:
This happens at my 2 lap-tops as well as on my new iMac (using Parallels).
All machines have at least 8GB RAM and I can`t detect any CPU abnormalities during work.
No matter whether I use 32 or 64bit versions. Even so I think at one of my lap-tops it is worst.
But I am not sure and more confused than strategically enlightened.

Now, I think about a new de-installation on one of my laptops again (I have no other idea what else to do). But when de-installing XDP and even after the usage of ccleaner or additional reg-cleaning tools , my laptop recognized the formerly given serial-number of XDPx10 and assigns it as "valid" to operate.
Now I wonder, if my system remembers serial-number of former installation, it may sustain also other hidden items in registry. So that my computer is not really "virgin" in terms of XDP. If so, maybe additional other reg entries sustain. And if the bug is related to them, I can`t get rid, no matter how often I de-install.
I am definitely not a computer specialist, just my logic as novice.

Any ideas ?
