@stygg, Rik, and Mike...

Seeing as I just posted the video two days ago...

1.) I'm absolutely thrilled at the YouTube hits and the number of great efforts here so quickly. and

2.) I usually go into a semi-coma after burning myself out to get the video to market, and take a few days off to get other paying gigs done, do laundry, eat, sleep, and practice my theremin, something Barbara has regretted buying me for almost 20 years.

Let me gather my thoughts because I have several things to share to improve everyone's work, I bit off far more than I or you people could chew this month because I didn't even get into traditional font heights, tradition margins and how to manually do this stuff so it looks more personal, but through feedback and probably a written tutorial next month, I can fill in some of the holes in the tute that I felt were there.

Q: Who writes the crappiest outline for tutorials before writing them?

A: Gary David Bouton

I have email from book publishers that can attest to this.

I'll be back with critiqués and sound advice soon.

And Rik? Shortly you're going to become my co-moderator on the Xone. Barb cannot do this in addition to Administrative duties like deleting 40,000 spams from the Pacific Rim... so you volunteered, your wish is her command, and all that tripe.

My Best,
