First of all, I'm new to this forum, and somewhat new to Xara / Webdesigning. I'm NOT a pro, that's for sure, but I can cook up some graphics and whip up some pages, and in general ain't [I]too[I] stupid The cause for all this Xara / web stuff was the request of my better half to build a website for her business.

Here's the issue:

I am buidling a multi lingual website ( in Dutch and Chinese. For the regular text I am using Google's OpenSans, which works fine.

For the chinese text I am using NotoSans S Chinese Regular. However I have been unable to find a TTF version of it, only an OTF version.

When I watch the pages in Xara, all chinese text is using the same font (NotoSans S). However when I upload the site and then watch it in my browser, some of the characters are replaced with a different chinese font. The characters have the same meaning, but they appear to come from a different font family. On the 'contact' page ( the two middle characters of the vertical text are 'thinner'.

I'm a little confused here. I know Windows does font substitution, so perhaps the font NotoSans S doesn't contain those characters and Windows replaces them, but then why does it look right inside Xara?

I also know Xara should be able to upload / include those fonts, but if it does, why doesn't it upload these characters as well, or does it do so only with TTF fonts? (If so, anyone who can point me out to a TTF version of that same font?)

I'm mightily confused now...