Nivo Slider CSS.web is the Nivo Slider Widget and a number of CSS Placeholders.

Each CSS Placeholder's purpose is described:

  • no Control - hides the Control buttons at the bottom of the Nivo Slider Widget.
  • no CaptionBar - removes the black bar behind the caption text.
  • White Bar - changes the CaptionBar to White. If this and the no CaptionBar are both on the page, the one that is higher in the Page and Layer Gallery dominates.
  • no Navigation - move the Prev & Next buttons off the page.
  • Red text - changes the caption text from white to red.
  • Green text - changes the caption text from white to green.
  • Blue text - changes the caption text from white to blue. If these text controls are all on the page, the one that is higher in the Page and Layer Gallery dominates. The CSS colour can be changed to your preference; click on the CSS Placeholder and then in Web Properties, select Placeholder > HTML code (head). Remember to rename the Placeholder's colour.
  • Centred text - places the caption text in the centre of the caption bar.
  • Right (-aligned) text - places the caption text to the right of the caption bar. If this and the Centred text are both on the page, the one that is higher in the Page and Layer Gallery dominates.
