Quote Originally Posted by Petar_MK View Post
There is another interesting piece of software named PhotoLine (www.pl32.com). Mainly, it is Photo editor, but...
It is 32/64 bit, run from USB, supports PS plug-ins, multipage docs, barcode generator, DTP, RGB, CMYK, Grayscale...
The price is 59 EUR, it is abot 79 USD.
I have used PhotoLine as my normal photo editor for years. And for bitmap handling, I think it is a really good photo editor. I just downloaded and installed the latest beta, which is actually the full application install. The D/L weighs in at a petite 20 megs, the full installation takes up 66 or so megs on disk. PL has been around nearly forever in computer years.

I have seen some great vector work done in it as well. I would rather use anything else for vector though. And for the duotones that I need often enough, I still have to use another editor, though in the current beta (betas are not secret) the brothers are adding spot color support...notice I didn't say Pantone support. Small distinction that can make all the difference in the world. Spot colors do hit their own plates.

I went ahead and registered on the Affinity forum. I'll let y'all know the answer re OTF support.
