Hi all !

I'm still new to most of the features in P&D 9 so I guess this is a newbie quetsion.

What is the technique(s) for creating a single layer photo which is a combination of several objects, each taken from a different photo of the same scene ?
Well, to better explain it I will just tell what I'm trying to achieve: I have taken 4 different shots of exactly the same scene (without touching my camera) of my daughter sitting on a bench - just that in every shot she is sitting on a different bench position - so the idea is to create a single photo where she shows up in all these positions combined. There is no overlap in her bench positions so the output photo would show multiple figures of her sitting in different positions on the bench.
Hope I was clear enough

I guess it should be something like using the eraser brush tool in Photoshop when wanting to remove\combine elements of several layers.
