Smashing Magazine's guest Harald Geisler walks you through making a handwriting font

This is the most comprehensive, and well thought-out guide to how to make a handwriting typeface I have yet to see anywhere. Harald takes you through the concept, the intent, and finally through the mechanics of how a handwriting typeface should be created.

And the kicker is that he recreated a famous person's handwriting quite faithfully: that of Sigmund Freud. He wants €19 for 6 fonts, one a Pro font with alternating characters so anything you type comes out a little differently line by line, as a real human would write (no offense Mr. Turing).

Me, I'll save my bucks for a real psychiatrist, but the article is well-worth reading if you intend to make your own handwriting font. Massively details, the guy's a prince for sharing all his experience.

My Best,
