Hi All.....

I have a Xar file that has 'gone bad' on me and, unfortunately, represents quite a bit of work.... Its a technical report with about 40 pages.

There is no longer a backup either on the HD or, I suspect, in the Xara backup area (as I have worked on lots of other files since - I work on about 5 files at a time and it was a couple of weeks before I noticed the bad file!)

I have used the ExpandXar.exe app with the same result.... I.E the output file created crashes Xara when double-clicked.

If I go into Xara first then open, I see 40+ blank pages with just a few graphics on page 1.... Once this bad file is opened, any other open Xara files also go 'blank' and I have to quit xara and re-open the 'good' files....

I'm guessing its a call to Xara tbh

It's not the end of the world because I have various PDFs created at points in time and I can recreate most of the report from this at a pinch. Its just a bit of a pain.

It would be nice to try and recover the xar file in some way if possible.... I have no idea what I did to corrupt the file and am worried it may happen again tbh...

Anyway, thanks for any help--- or even 'tea n sympathy'


Oh ps - V9.2.2 ---- but does the same with all my old versions too