Hi, thanks for providing the link.

I viewed the code.

you have set the placeholders html code (body) to read

<div class="'xr_noreset" <!-- Fix suggested by bb2 -->
<!----begin------Insert to your webpage where you want to display the slider-->
<div id="hislider1" class="xr_noreset" style=" max-width:443px;max-height:318px;height:100%; margin: 0 auto;">
<noscript>The slider is powered by <strong>Hi Slider</strong>, a easy jQuery image slider from <a target="_blank" href="hislider.com">hislider.com</a>. Please enable JavaScript to view.</noscript></div>
</div> <!-- Fix suggested by bb2 -->

It should be changed to read

<!----begin------Insert to your webpage where you want to display the slider-->
<div id="hislider1" class="xr_noreset" style=" max-width:443px;max-height:318px;height:100%; margin: 0 auto;">
<noscript>The slider is powered by <strong>Hi Slider</strong>, a easy jQuery image slider from <a target="_blank" href="hislider.com">hislider.com</a>. Please enable JavaScript to view.</noscript></div>

So the only amendment from the original code is the inclusion of class="xr_noreset"
