I've just registered WD 10 Premium (upgraded from v 9 Premium), did the entire upgrade procedure and installation (also of the content pack) while online. However:

a) On startup, I continually get a message saying: 'Unable to download some additional installation files, so Smart Shapes will be unavailable. Please connect to the Internet and restart the programme.' Can't find a way to solve this.

b) Not sure exactly what was downloaded in the content pack, but when I went offline this morning, there was hardly anything I could try out (All the themes, templates, graphics, stickers etc. could not be used without a net connection.). When I was at a net connection, I downloaded a particular template, opened it, then exited without saving. Later, when I was not at a net connection again, the template was unavailable. I've tried right-clicking on all the categories in the gallery and clicking 'download all' but that hasn't helped.

Grateful to know how this version handles online/offline work (is it the same as previous versions?), and if buying the DVD would help with the problem.
My own position: I really really need to know exactly what's on my own machine and not to have it suddenly withdrawn and inaccessible when I'm offline. I also sometimes pay for bandwidth (e.g. when I'm on the move) and need control over what I'm downloading.
