Hi everyone, Hope All is well

Looking for ways to include a paypal form onto an html form.

The form is a booking process for clients. In order for a booking to be made a deposit must be made. Trying to create it so the form can only be submitted if the Deposit is made.

Trying to think of the best way around this. Looking at simfatic and coffee cup. Leaning more towards Simfatic.

Need to know if when clients make a booking and proceed to paying will it offer other major credit card payment options as it normally does with paypal? or is just paypal payment offereed,as this will be an issue as obviously not everyone uses paypal.

If anyone has used simfatic or coffee cup form integrated with paypal please drop me a message on how it looks when processing payments.

Is there another way round it which i'm missing if you could please kindly let me know guys.. thanks once for everything

take care

update: just realised that paypal itself is an option and apparently allows forms with payment if done correctly. could someone confirm please