
Sorry if this illustration is muddled, I will try to explain.

I'm having a little problem loosing the control handles on complex drawings, and think it is mostly due to my video card Intel HD4000, what is happening is if I have a object selected that has another object with a live effect placed on top of it, the transparency or fill tool gradient handles are either missing or the line between them that is used for adding more control points is missing. This does not happen all the time and usually it just takes minimizing and maximizing the Xara program window to clear up the screen redraw problem.

Next I can not select through a stack of objects that have live effects on them by holding down the Alt key and left clicking, maybe just one layer deep but that's it.

Sometimes control handle bits stay on the stay on the screen even after the object are de-selected, this is also fixed by minimizing and maximizing the Xara program window.

Here is the laptop specs,

Toshiba Intel based i3 2.40Ghz
8GB Ram
500GB HD 325GB free

Once again not huge problems, I mostly use the Outlines feature to get around in the document when these types of things happen.
