Hello all! This is my first post in the forum.

I am trying to find a way to use square (same pixel height and width) photos in a widget. For example: I am using the 'Landscape thumbnail gallery' widget - keyword here being 'landscape'. There is, of course, a corresponding 'Portrait' version of this widget. My client would like this same functionality, but with square photos. All of the widgets in Xara Web Designer 9 Premium seem to be specifically sized to be either portrait or landscape. When I resize the photos in my landscape widget from (W: 500px - H: 375px) to make the height 500px to match the width, the width is automatically resized to keep the photo in landscape format. I do not have to use this particular widget, but all widgets seem to share this same concept.

Are there any widgets that will allow me to use square photos?

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
