I'm having some difficulty creating a custom navigation bar.
It could be because I'm doing some steps out of order.

Anyway, I wanted to make a custom navigation bar with my own spacing and mouse-over effects.
I managed to get all of that to work but when I go to "create navigation bar.." option, it isn't available.
So it's essentially just text with links and effects but I need to have access to the sub-menus.

For some reason I can un-group everything and add say "Home" text to group with a box and then the create navigation bar option comes up. (For some reason ONLY if I group it to a box)
However, if I were to continue with that and just create more buttons from "Home" then it creates a navigation bar with terrible spacing, etc.

Is there anyway I can create sub-menus from just my text?
I've already been through every youtube and tutorial video on the subject but none of them seem to account for the create navigation bar option NOT showing up or wanting to have your custom spacing.

***Working with Web Designer 9 Premium

