Okay, here's the issue (and as always, thanks in advance for any help you folks can provide!):

I don't care for the effect that comes out of any of the current photo gallery widgets that come with WD9P. So I experimented a bit, and discovered that creating a pop-up layer from each image on the page that referenced ANOTHER layer with the complete photo-set selected as a pop-up series of images with captions worked great--except for one problem; the slideshow that results from this setup also shows the other images on the page--even if they're on a different layer.

Overall, the pop-up layer look with captions is the effect I was looking for. But I cannot figure out how to NOT include the other images/photosets on the page when the pop-up layer is activated, even if those images are on other layers.

I'm completely open to suggestions.

However, I can tell you that the photo widgets just don't deliver the result I"m looking for. Nivo doesn't, either. Ideal would be the Gallery Slideshow 3 Column with captions. But it doesn't exist, that I know of.

So...please help, if you can! Thank you all again!

P.S. You can see my "experimental page" on the site I'm building here:
