So long story short I have built a website for my brothers company... It needs some fine tuning and more work (Only 18 hours in).
1. Picture slider buttons still link to the wonder Xara website...I looked for all the links to and haven't found were it's hiding. Suggestions?
2. If it's possible I have yet to be able to resize a picture to provide my client with their design layout I layered an unmoving graphic over the right side... Picture slider has a text box at bottom that is overlaying that graphic. Can these be resized? Is there a way to keep it from overlaying my graphic?
3. Also the tiling effect on the slider.......I cannot find where to change it. One of those thought I found it but it didn't change items.......(slide in right)
4. Form solutions? What do you use?.... I had to tweak how the wufoo was working for the estimate once you've gone there I have lost them off the site.. I need a better solution.
5. Mobile phone number dialing... The number at the top right for emergency services isn't linking for mobile dialing. Is this because of how I grouped it maybe? Sorry newbie got late last night.

Yes I do know I have a lot more work...drop down links, pages to complete, and even more to build in the future, details and more details. - my site

Lame big business site

So why did I make it live?
Longer Story Alert- If not interested stop reading now
I had a small temporary site up so the space wasn't being wasted and nonexistent when looked up.
My brother has been difficult to get a concept out of and I am an amateur at web design so in December a regional sales guy (who sold himself as the hands on designer) sells my brother on website design and Search Engine Optimization. I'm okay with it considering the should be the experts and I know little of SEO and want my brother to be findable and successful. He said new site would take about 4 weeks. 6 weeks later the sent him a link to a site that didn't even have his logo on it. He had a basic site that they were given to refer to. My brother has already branded himself all they had do to was back it up. (Check out his ambulance and fire truck, I did his vinyls ) The content is unintelligent and irrelevant for the work and location he is at. Poor guy has been back and forth on the phone to the other side of the country (which is what he wanted to avoid) sending them labeled pictures they couldn't even place right. So I set down and put together a detailed outline and some other websites to refer to for what my brother wanted and sent it off on Friday night. My brother said he wanted to cancel so they went and put his site live, claiming its so the sales guy can make changes himself.....more like trying to solidify his unfulfilled contract. After reviewing the outline we were told they couldn't change the template (which was rejected repeatedly) but we may be able to get you the look and feel of what you want. After my brother asked what he meant by look and feel he scheduled another meeting....
So basically I am proving to a salesman that an amateur can build a site in a couple of days when his company couldn't manage it in over two months.
Even more hilarious the first meeting I had with him he pitched me a job offer in the future for sales as they are new to my area. Really!? You can't sell what a company can't least I can't I prefer to keep my customers happy and sleep at night.