I am creating a new web site for a garden club of which I am a member. I want the secretary of that club to be able to have a page on the site which is only hers, where she can keep adding updates and reminders to club members without having either to go through me or the web page change process that I have to go through. The result would be an electronic notice board. It would be nice if the secretary could also post images but this is not critical. I thought of including a blog in the site but that I am warned is beyond Xara�s capabilities even though one of the sites created for inclusion in the Design Gallery includes a page entitled "blog" (confused). I tried to embed a blog into my draft site but when using the optional frame widget that allows other sites to appear on an Xara created site, the image only revealed the partial blog and, while one could scroll to access all parts of the blog, the result was not user friendly nor practical. I did embed sticky notes software into the draft of the new web site but this let some unwanted code into my machine so it had to go before I could test the viability of that option. I decided it was time to seek advice.

Any suggestions?