I may be in over my head but I have no background in working with graphics. I recently purchased xara photo & graphic designer 2013. Very excited until I realize nearly every tutorial I have found is for the version 9. This would be ok but for a clueless new guy even the tool bar buttons are different in some cases. Example is I tried to learn how to remove the background from a photo to kind of blend it in with another photo. The nice tutorial on youtube is informative but uses a button to begin the process that isn't on my version as far as I can tell.

My question is...is their a resource site specifically for version or some suggestions? I am a bar/nightclub operator and wanted to mess with making flyers or ads etc. I even considered 'upgrading' which irrirates me because I just bought it. Xara wants $59 to upgrade from what I have to version 9. I just paid $69 for what I have from Best Buy. For $20 more I could have bought 9 (which isn't on the Best Buy web site by the way).

Worried I made a bad purchase. Any advice or direction would be much appreciated. Thanks all.