Good evening everyone, here is my problem. I am using XARA Web Design Premium 7. I have added and changed some of the pages and graphiphcs and then saved the newly updated website. Here is the process:
1. After changing graphics and text on all of the pages I then want to save as:
Newest Pathways 11-29-2013.web'As
SAVED IN: New Volume (J) which is an external 5 gigbyte hard drive.
FILE NAME: Newest Pathways 11-29-2013.web
SAVE AS: All Files ...... I then save the file.

My next step is to EXPORT THE FILE prior to publishing it.

EXPORTING FILE: Save In: Index-home
SAVE AS TYPE: Website (HTML)(*.htm,*.html)

I then click EXPORT and Xara Web Designer Premium box pops up with ......
The following files will be replaced:
Index-home.htm second page.htm fourth page.htm fifth page.htm sixth page. htm seventh page.htm sitemap.xml robots.txt

I then click REPLACE BUTTON. After exporting file I want to publish the website.

I then go to File>publish and XARA Web Design Premium box pops up with .....
Please confirm you wan to publish to: Server:
USER NAME: Subfolder:/public_html/newpathwaysconsultants
FTP password box pops and I enter my password and click the PUBLISH BUTTON. Now when I go to file> preview to look at the website all of the new pages and graphics are there. It's only when I actually to any of my 5 browsers that the new pages don't appear.

I've tried this several times but each time I go to one of my 5 browsers and enter: the index page of the old website comes up. When I click on any button on the task bar I get XARA ad pages and now of the newer saved pages with new graphics. I have no idea what's wrong. I sure hope someone here can help me figure this out. I certainly hope I've offered enough clear information here to get the help I need.

By the way, is it possible for XARA Premium 7 to do Slide Shows? If so, how is that accomplish. Of course my primary problem is getting this first problem worked out. Thank you all in advance.
