I've tried dozens of different "solutions" and syntaxing (Redirect, RewriteCond, RewriteRule, Redirect 301, etc) and I just can't get this to work. I often get the "redirect loop" -error or the redirect doesn't work at all, or I get it working with only www.thesite.com and not http://www.thesite.com

What I want to do:
When the user goes to mysite.com I want him or her redirected to mysite.com/#anchor
And if the user goes to www.mysite.com I want him or her redirected to mysite.com/#anchor as well
...and if the user goes to http://www.mysite.com I want him or her redirected to mysite.com/#anchor

...and yea, I can only get one of these working at a time (or I get a loop).

My .htaccess file without any redirects:
# enable basic rewriting
RewriteEngine on

# enable symbolic links
Options +FollowSymLinks

# enable allowoverride privileges
<Directory /www/replace/this/with/actual/directory>
 AllowOverride Options

# do not allow anyone else to read your .htaccess file
<Files .htaccess>
deny from all

# forbid viewing of directories
Options All -Indexes

# disable the server signature- helps with preformance
ServerSignature Off