I am looking for software that will allow viewers of my website to play audio snippets/demos of my original music. The problem is I don’t know the official name for the device. I’ve tried searching for website jukeboxes or music samplers and I get unrelated software come up in the search.

I was actually using a very good product called web jukebox that did the job fine, but then I found out that people using iPads couldn’t get it to show because it was Adobe Flash based, and apparently iPads don’t support Flash. So for the sake of people with ipads and other apple mobile devices I am searching for another product that can be used on all platforms.

Just to clarify, I am not looking for software that will automatically play background music when someone visits my website. I am looking for something (what is the official name?) that I can upload samples of my songs to, and which will show up on my website as a player with a list of the songs that people can click on and listen to. Any suggestions?