
since version 9, I see a strange behavior when importing screenshots. Let me explain: I make a screenshot from an email. It has 96 dpi and 675 px wide and 11107 px height.

I do now import this via drag n drop into Xara and it always changes resolution. The final pictutre is changed to 110 px wide instead of 67 px. (even at 100% scaling!). When I now resize the screenshot to what it should be (675 px) it makes me resolution down to 10 dpi with very bad quality.

I can do what I want in seetings (as you know there are 3 otions how to handle imported pictures).

I have also an older version from Xara xtreme pro 5 which does NOT have this strange behavior. There I import my screenshot via drag n drop and it has then the right format (675 wide) and resolution 96 dpi.

Can anybody explain this to me or has something changed?
