Being the impatient type I find it very frustrating that we have a first rate graphics program with only minimal documentation. (yes, I know the Help file is excellent, but I hate Help files - the words I am looking for are never in the index!). So please Xara, hurry up with that CD of XaraX - it's definitely needed now!

Which brings me to our esteemed moderator Gary W Priester. He is doing an invaluable job in offering us a monthly helping of chapters in his XaraX manual. This is an absolute must for untalented users such as myself, and I would like to make the following suggestion to Gary, in the hope that lots of other XaraX users will back me up:

Gary, how about assembling all your XaraX articles in bookform (when you are finished of course!) and offer it to the Xara community (via Xara if need be) on a subscription basis? Ideally of course we would like to see such a book on the shelves of every bookstore but, if the Xara market is too small, the subscription idea may be a viable option. How about it Gary?


Ralph de Vries