The year is 2013 and Xara Pro still doesn't support OpenType features properly (ligatures anyone?) ... even more than that it font handling is worse than Windows 7!!! As in, if you have a font family, for example La Groupil's, beautiful, Paris:

Paris Family

... and it will not pick up the different weights - it thinks of them all as the first one it sees. I assume because there's no proper OpenType Support. So I can't use the Extra Black version I've paid for!!

So what do Xara do ... they add Google Font support without fixing the actually font engine itself.

What is going on?? Sort out the basics first before throwing on bells and whistles.

Upgrade .. you have to be kidding.


Just to balance out my griping about the fonts let me say this ... I love the different transparency options on Xara ... the 'Stained Glass' and 'Bleach' are incredibly useful.