I am delighted to report that P&GD 9 runs well (without ANY tool menu selection glitches) under Ubuntu Linux (12.10 long term support) via WINE 1.5.31.
If you want to leverage your product on linux operating systems, consider partnering with Valve to sell the application through Steam.

This brings monumentus joy to me because while I feel Inkscape and GIMP have the edge for the savvy web designer CMYK colour space is severly under-supported on linux and that is a kick in the backside if you seriously want to get anything into print.

I've had a quick scout around the features (I've not been a true Xara user since P&GD6) and feel the warmth welling up in my heart. Maybe it is time to upgrade. I was SO much faster in my productivity with Xara than I am with Inkscape, mainly becasue I grew up playing with Artworks on the Acorn Achemedies.

If anything is lacking it is SVG support. I know I've bleated about this before and keeping up with the W3C standards is a pain, but really, pretty much all the web browsers have got their act together on this now.

Perhaps it is time to admit that Inkscape is no commecial threat to P&GD and that there is an opportunity to work with the open source community by nailing an export to Inkscape SVG filter.

There are some really exciting things happening with SVG graphics check out d3js.org

As an asside, I find that Xara Lite that is floating around the linux multiverse to be very glitchy to the point of unusability.

In summary then; Dear Xara, P&GD9 works great in linux under wine, please consider buidling an SVG export filter and selling your fine product to us via Steam.