Hi Steve,

Well, with the stuff on the outside of the Flash movie, I've seen that happen pretty often. I've never really found a really effective method of getting rid of it except by not leaving stuff off to the sides of the movie unless they have to be, or else setting the size of my movie by embedding it in an html page. Check your movie settings in flash. I must admit, your pop-up description strikes me as odd, but if you're using javascript, add 'noresize' to the code, where you're listing the other attributes of the window (such as scrollbars, width, height, etc.). If you want, post the JavaScript code you're using to create the pop-up window in this forum and I'll do my best to answer your question.

-Deep (just a guy)

Date: August 03, 2000 08:48 AM
Author: steve (flash-4-cash.com)
Subject: resize

I want to use a pop up window for my flash site i am using dreaweaver 3's popbehaveours for the pop up I don't want it to resize when you press the resize icon on explorer as it shows the over lap of my flash movie ? can you please tell me why the overlap out side the stage size is showing ?

Thanks in advance Steve

P.S anyone who wants a cool email account with flash-4-cash.com have a look at www.another.com also other names with flash in as well.

Deep (just a guy)

<pre><font face="courier" size="2">,-----------------------------.

| Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math |

| Graphic/Multimedia Designer |

| ICQ#: 39102360 |

| Medius Communications, Inc. |

| http://www.medius.com |


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