"I may just have to. I really hate doing it because so many times you end up with a crippled app or worse yet, leftover files and items in the registry when uninstalls aren't clean. "

As with most programs, there are leftovers. Use a reg shot and see what it installs.

I like revo uninstaller for programs that I want to get rid of.

I am starting to try Xara for doing web things. I primarily use it for my vector work etc. but starting to use it for quick site mockups.

I have a menu I want to try in Xara. I will post it when it's ready.

I will say this:

I have been experimenting with a few WYSIWYG editors - Yes, Serif WP, and Muse. Tho they all have differences, If you are familiar with Xara, I myself would stick with it.

Just with the few things I have played with are so fast for me to understand and implement since I am familiar.

It's been said, give it a go.

Hey, for simple functioning sites, and! having someone else do edits... superb.
