I was going to send you a screen shot yesterday, but TG would not co-operate on the upload. I checked again this morning and everything worked fine. I have a new Dell XPS-18 tablet and I guess I did something to it to screw up the sizing, I noticed that my Outlook had also shrunk. I think the culprit is one of my games. Some always shrank stuff on my old Windows 7 PC. However, all the windows were resizable , so I could just resize them. Note that exiting and restarting XaREg2 did not solve the problem. I will play with is some more this afternoon.
QUOTE=sledger;475656]Hi Grace,

Which 'form' are you referring to?

Do you mean application window resizing?
This is not possible in any version of XaReg.

Can you post a screenshot?
Or perhaps your download transfer was corrupted, try downloading again?
