This is my second post.. can someone from Xara Support help me please?
I am using WebStyle 3.1 in FrontPage2000. When I publish the website the home page shows the Nav Bar properly. But as soon as I click on any Menu btn or Drop Down Menu Item I get a page displaying "the page cannot be displayed". The link is trying to find the html link in the "images" folder. All html files are in the main folder. If I move the html files to the "images" folder I can go to the page link but it does not display the nav bar menu anymore on the new page.

I have also tried moving all images in the main folder with other html files but even that does not work.
Currently, the html files including index.htm, other linked pages, xaramenu.js and the .css files are in the main folder. The "images" folder has my other garphics, all the xara graphics gif files, 2 for each menu item and the GraphicName.js file as well.

Can someone please tell me how to make it work? I have tried all combinations of moving the files between the main and the images folder but nothing works.
Thanks in advance.