Hi Folks,

Sorry admins I think I should really post this on an existing thread but time is of the essence - so if you need to move it I understand

I am in the process of creating a new website for the current business I work for so I published it to a 'test' URL


Loads of work to do so I am not too worried about the format so far.

I tried to use Skeech's re-direct and a version of one the mobile phone templates I found on this forum but it goes absolutely bonkers when I use a mobile phone or colleagues iPhone to test if the re-direct works. My Windows phone just won't load it and a colleagues iPhone had a flashing url and did nothing...

The mobile section is here: http://www.yourchecksite.info/mobile.htm and it is in the same root file.

Should I have created a completely separate website for the mobile version? Is the template too large to handle mobile networks or is it, as I suspect, something I have done with my aptitude for blundering and misunderstanding?

I am sure I have done something completely dumb and although I'm no expert I do have a small grasp of the problems I get presented with from time to time but if someone could just let me know or point me in the direction I have gone wrong I would be most grateful.


PS: I haven't posted on here for ages but I do lurk and read a lot of the information so thanks everyone!