
Sorry if this question was already answered, but the search function do not like the word "course" because it is very common, incredible!.

I was looking for a training course for my teenager son, but all the good ones are focused in teaching characters and environmental design for games using Photoshop.

I like Xara Designer since it is a good general program that works also with vector graphics and not too expensive. I know there are good video tutorials for specific topics, but, is it there a planned course or courses, that can take the beginner and help him to achieve certain training goals in sequence?

I mean, I wonder if it is there a crash course on Graphic Design with Xara with a clear sequence for beginners, and then more advanced courses in the games areas I mentioned above. I mean if a person wants to build a graphic design curriculum with Xara, what would be the training path?

Sorry about my english, hope I was able to explain myself.
Thank you and best regards.