OK, in case you've forgotten, I'm the one who hideously over-complicated the entire "favicon" issue.....You can relive it, if desired....

Still here? Cool! This isn't a life or death issue. It's just something I felt like trying.

I'm using Designer Pro X v8 and would like to add a "Print" button to a page with a contacts phone list so that when the button is clicked, it brings up the default printer dialogue as if the user pressed CTRL+P. Again, I'm probably over-thinking this but I've tried adding a button but can't get that to behave with the script. Same trying to treat it as a navbar. My biggest problem is my mind and the index in the manual just don't see eye-to-eye as far as the way the book is organized so I'm not sure if it's even possible.

Like I said, this isn't a major issue right this minute. Just something I'd like to know how to do should it ever crop up.

Thanks in advance for the kick in the butt to get me jump started!