I've been using Xara Web-Designer 6 for about 9 months and have managed to do all I need until now. Perhaps someone out there can give me some guidance.
I want to create a link from a text string so that on clicking the string the user is taken to a different page (easy, I know), but when that page is displayed, I just want one specific layer (related in name to the text string) to be displayed.

e.g. User is on a Page called 'lists' and clicks on string abcd
User is then taken to a page named 'examples' and on that page (which has many layers) only the layer 'abcdlayer' is displayed.

e.g User is on a Page called 'lists' and clicks on string vwxyz
User is then taken to a page named 'examples' and on that page (which has many layers) only the layer 'vwxyzlayer' is displayed.