THis thing that's really throwing me off is the "group" thing. I have all in this sentence except ...
Create your button shape, apply your image, add your text and group.

Where do I do this and what do I choose? Am I right clicking and choosing my group? Am I going to "page and layer gallery" and choosing the group? Do I choose a group for each item on the menu as I add the image to it? I am adding a graphic file to each button. When I finish each one, am I suppose to choose a group of some sort and what's it called?

Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
Each button must have text. I should have mentioned that. In order for WD to create a nav bar from the button you create, the button must have some text. I format the text center justified and center the text on the button and then group the text to the button.

When WD creates the nav bar, it automatically changes the text to the page name you created when you created the new pages. You can change the names on the buttons but editing the nav bar and changing the text in the Navigation Bar Properties menu.

So, let me take a deep breath and back up.

Create your button shape, apply your image, add your text and group.

Copy and paste this button onto the MouseOver layer. Make your modifications to the mouse over button state.

Select both states and Apply Soft Group.

Now you can create your navigation bar.

My bad. Sorry. I should have mentioned the text part.