Morning All!

I wondered if someone could please help me. I'm constantly getting a repeating 404 error on my web pages that I cannot locate for love nor money. The first page this repeating error comes up on is the one I've put below. I wondered if someone/anyone would please take the time to 'view source' on this page and see if you can locate what i'm mean't to be looking for...

The error I get in my seo program says the following: "This page links to the page "" (using the <a href> tag). The web server returned the error code 404 when accessing the linked page. This means that search engines cannot access the linked page, either, and that they might come to the conclusion that this page is not up-to-date."

As I can't find what I'm looking for this is really bugging me which is why I feel I need an extra [perhaps a few] set of eyes.

thanks and regards