Xara is the fastest and most intuitive (2D) design software I've ever used (since CorelXARA 1995)...and now it generates websites! Pretty cool.

With that said, it's time to "up the ante." -- make the best product...even better.

I began building websites "old-school," that is, I taught myself HTML, then, CSS and created them from scratch; a long and laborious process. Along came WDP and I could design *and* generate a working site in a fraction of the time.

However, the times they are-a-changing. Both Google and Bing now prefer that sites are designed to fit onto any screen size:

G: "Sites that use responsive web design, i.e. sites that serve all devices on the same set of URLs, with each URL serving the same HTML to all devices and using just CSS to change how the page is rendered on the device. This is Google’s recommended configuration."

B: "At Bing, we want to keep things simple by proposing the “one URL per content item” strategy. For each website, instead of having different URLs per platform (one URL for desktop, another for mobile devices, etc.), our feedback is that producing fewer variations of URLs will benefit you by avoiding sub-optimal and underperforming results. It can help manage unwanted bandwidth usage as well."

So, my wishlist for WDP/DPro:

1. Dynamically resizing images (and therefore, pages--width and height).
2. Dynamically repositioning and swapping of page elements.
3. Dynamically flowing/resizing of text with "ems" based on percentage sized body text, i.e., body {text-size:100%;} h1 {text-size:1.5ems;}.

A simple example: http://d.alistapart.com/responsive-w...ite-FINAL.html (resize your desktop/laptop browser *and* view it on your smartphone).

It sounds like a tall order, but if anyone can do it, it's the Xara team. Also, you'd be the first; I have scoured the Web searching for a *visual* design tool to do this...to no avail. The closest solution is clumsy and still requires me to learn some Javascript and manually modify my CSS: Adobe Edge Animate. And, as the name implies, it's designed to create embedded animations, not _whole_ sites.

You would have to incorporate the @media CSS3 element and some Javascript for backwards compatibility (see: http://code.google.com/p/css3-mediaqueries-js/).

To the Xara design team: please consider this. I believe Responsive websites are the future...now.

Best regards,
Alex Wendell