I've been looking at creating a blog. However I have too many unanswered questions to go ahead with what I've found so far.

As I already use XARA for my web page, so I thought I my start my 'book' as a web program rather than a blog.

I want to record my building of a race motorbike. Indexes with chapters would be better than a long daily blog.

Ok so the questions.

How do I validate and allow users to login. Where do I keep the register of users, how do I get the stats from visitors and how and where do I keep their comments.

I have setup a Ubuntu server at home but it is still in it's infant stage. I was thinking of using it. (I have a paid ISP for my work web page.)

I know there are a lot of Blog bits out there, but most of the people who are interested in what I'm doing are not on FB, Twitter etc

Thanks Wallace