Yeah I was going to ask if it would be easier to make it one shape. I got it to work for the most part but the thinner outline around the badge was filling with gray and couldn't figure that out. I obviously need more learning here. Can you tell me how you made them a compound shape. I messed around with it by selecting two wings and outer thin badge border and doing various pathfinders on it and nothing worked. This seems like it should be easier than this to do. I appreciate all the help here.

Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
What I did is simply make a single compound shape of the wings and badge area. Then select it and the grunge, and without clicking the alt key, clicked the minus front. To keep the badge center a solid, just make sure it is not selected when making the wings and the badge "outlines" into a single compound shape.

All the "extra" grunge is gone in this way.

Take care, Mike