Cool bananas.. thanks.

When I deconstructed the nav bar I was playing with I found various shapes and text pieces all over the place - I'd turned it into a complete mess by ungrouping and then not re-grouping everything properly!

Its good to have confirmation I was doing most of it right. The problem I had was with some shapes and text that were not grouped being included when I selected the lot which is why it wouldn't let me create a nav bar out of them.

I have another question now.......... how do I fade in/out the mouseover on a nav bar?? I've got my groovy looking nav bar working as it should with all three 'mouse' layers. Silver for MouseOff, blue for MouseOver, and dark grey for MouseDown, but the MouseOver comes up instantly and it feels clunky to me! Is there any way I can fade-in the MouseOver effect? I've upgraded to MX Premium (for various reasons!) and I've been able to fade-in pop-up layers (on links as a mouse over), but when I try to make the MouseOver layer use the fade transition it doesn't do anything....? Any ideas?