I would like for Xara to separate the web functions from the photo and graphic functions. I know you already have a separate product (Web Designer) but I would like for you to remove the web functions from PGD and only have graphic and photo functions in PGD. I have not upgraded to Designer Pro because most of the enhancements were to the web functions which I do not and will not use. There are some graphic functions in Designer Pro (in particular the shape builder tool and some other color functions) that I would like to have but the upgrade seemed to be primarily aimed at the web development audience. We are different audicences IMHO.

Once that is done, I would like to see some enhancements in the animation arena. I also own x3d and like the product but would like a little more freedom in defining the animation. I would even vote for combining the x3d functions with PGD rather than the web functions (see above).
I think Xara has a great potential to rival Adobe if it would develop a product (OK - maybe a separate animation tool) Flash but in an AVI format or some other format. I would like to be able to use the animations created in the Magix Movie Edit Pro (I occasionally create DVD slide shows).

A couple of things that I find limiting about x3d are:
  1. You can not define the animation path. I would like to freely define where and how an object or objects move in the animation sequence
  2. In x3d, you can not animatemore than one object
  3. I can not create draw or create something within x3d. I have to create it externally (most generally with my PGD software) and paste it into x3d and in many cases that is a two step process as well (one for the shape the other to add the "flll"

Going still another step further, it would really be great if the Xara and Magix teams got to gether and developed a smooth way to create some animation sequences that could be used in the Movie Edit Pro product. Man, talk about something powerful, that could potentially blow away the competition (IMHO). Think After Effects and its powerful capabilities.