MX is creating list of all my pages on each page in the html. The individual lines as in:

<a class="xr_pnavmenu" href="copper-tree-fountains.htm">12: Custom copper outdoor fountains with trees or other flora.
These lines are now showing up in Google search results.
The line # as used by MX on that list shows up as in above example, then title, then below it the usual URL and description.

I am nervous about Goggle penalizing me for spamming my pages with the keywords that are built into the individual page names.

I do my own navigation buttons and do not use the automatic type system built in to the NAV bar system that is supposedly creating these list. I do not remember seeing this in the earlier version 7.
If this causes Google to penalize folks for spamming their own pages it is a serious problem. Any thoughts?
