Hi and I hope this makes sense.

I'm using Web Designer 7 Premium......

I have made photo 'animation' (using 'File', 'New', 'Animation') which are basically just 5 images which are displayed in rotation without the reader having to press anything.

Is there any way of making the transition from one picture to another smoother rather than immediate, maybe by one picture fading out and the next one fading in or even better sliding in from the side. I've tried the photo widgets but they are not quite what I want as they need the reader to click and are not resizable.

I want to do somthing similar to the pictures on this one http://www.jayarmstrong.co.uk/

I've looked on the forum and found some instructions which seem to relate to setting frames to -50% transparency etc but I don't seem to have the option to set transparency. It's probably just me not understanding animations/flash/gifs etc though

Any help very much appreciated as it's starting to drive me mad now. If it's not possible to do in Web Designer 7 Premium is there any other xara add-ons/sortware packages that I could buy which do it.
