
For a fictitious eatery, you've added some very nice additional visualizations, and they are in the correct perspective.

Indian cuisine either isn't prepared correctly in the States (either upstate NY or New York City), or it's just a taste we Yanks never acquired. We have a lot of Middle Eastern and Indian families here in Upstate, and these are the only people I see going in and coming out of these ethnic restaurants. If it weren't for a fortune teller who came to our table, I would have considered my last visit to an Indian restaurant...erm, not my future first choice of places when I'm hungry. Oddly, I can deal with and enjoy Asian spices, and Mexican, but not Middle Eastern.

As I'm sure you know, our fast food places (Wendy's, McD's, Burger King, et al) serve "finger food" as well. Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips, which is not authentic and I don't think Mr. Treacher ever did anything but sell his name to the franchise—sells fih and chips with vinegar in a custom printed newspaper, which is a laugh if you think about it.

We are really trying to get into the swing of recycling paper here, and because food spoils the paper that wraps it (at least for recycling), these places are cutting down on the amount of paper used to serve up a burger. Went from light cardboard (pasteboard) to something a little thicker than toilet paper (how appropriate) last year.
