Good morning. I am struggling with creating and maintaining Tables in a DTP project for a client. I am using Photo & Graphic Design 6, though I'd upgrade to 7 if it would solve my Tables problems.

I have created a table of organized text in Word, and then copied it. I pasted it into Xara, choosing EMF as the only one that really looked like what I created. And now I cannot work with it as a table! Nor can I find anything that easily creates a table for me in Xara. Creating and formatting tables seems to be a very basic kind of feature necessary for DTP. Have I missed something?

I have gone too far into this project using Xara, so I must finish it using Xara and not another product now.

I need to be able to have it move from page to page inline, not as an image, but as a table, when I insert new client text before the table. I also need to resize it without resizing the text. Did I make a mistake using Xara for a DTP project? Or maybe I just missed seeing how to handle Tables properly?

Best regards,