I recently built a website for a customer (using Xara Web Designer) who stated that the site didn't look right on his Blackberry. He found someone else that changed the charset on the page, from this, which is the default used by Xara:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"/>

to this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>

I don't have access to a Blackberry so I can't say one way or another if the first charset didn't work, or if the second charset fixed their problem. According to various sites I've researched, the second (charset=iso-8859-1) is the most commonly used charset for web pages. I'm wondering if anyone can shed any light on any of the following:
(1) if the different charsets could actually make a difference on a Blackberry,
(2) is the 8859-1 indeed more widely used, and if so, why would Xara used the 1252

Thanks in advance!