Hello everybody! I'm quite new to Xara but I find the software interesting so I decided to use it.
Situation is the following:

I have a menu at the left of my screen and I need to create pop-up layers for each selection on the menu. NOTE: I have already (lock)ed the pop-ups so that they don't disappear by themselves when I click on them.
Now: when I click on one button on the menu, a pop-up layer (obviously) appears (let's call it LAYER01), if after that I click on another button from the left menu, another pop-up layer (LAYER02) will appear OVER the previous one.
And this would be perfect...but...
Let's say I want to view LAYER01 again , it wont let me do it because LAYER02 is actually arranged OVER LAYER01.

My question is: Is there a way to pop-down the layer once I pop-up another one?

(I really REALLY hope this is not confusing...x_x Escuse-moi in advance if it was)