My apologies, and slapping myself on the head.

Yeah, I see now that I was thrown off track thinking that PHOTO appearing before Graphic implied primarily bitmap. And there are some elements in XPDG that look suspiciously like Photoimpact feature, like the Photo optimize advanced dialog and bitmap save dialogs. Nonetheless, as you say, most of the product is really a lighter version of Xara Extreme (is that now Designer Pro? I can't keep track).

What happened was that I was trying to google what was the current-day descendant of Ulead Photoimpact, which landed me at CNET looking at Corel Photoimpact X3, where I saw a comment recommending "Magix Graphics Designer", and thinking that I remembered in the past a package from Magix that had bundled several things included what appeared to be rebranded Photoimpact, which prompted the possibility that perhaps "Magix Graphics Designer" was the current day version of PI. Then searching for Magix Graphics Designer caused google to cough up "Xara Graphics Designer", and upon visiting xara I don't see exactly that, but rather "Xara PHOTO and Graphics Designer"... and obviously (?) the PHOTO part means it must have extensive bitmap features... could this be the holy grail?

Sigh. OK, total red herring. Sorry for the distraction. I will now return to finding the correct type of screwdriver.

-- Graham