Genius I definitely am not If I had .001% the talent of Dmitry, I'll be writing a plug-in to do this. Tenacious would be a better description.
Here's as good as I can get it in Draw:
Create a two point line segment. Collapse it into a single point by aligning the two nodes vertically and horizontally. Duplicate then make a 999-step blend.
Fit this blend along the total lenght of the path.
Ungroup all and measure the distance between any two points along the dots running along the path. You may have to zoom in very close for this. Multiply the measurement between any two adjacent points by 1000.
There are still slight variations with this method. I tried measuring it by sampling different parts of a curved line. It's only accurate to +- 1mm or so. I guess Draw can only measure that small, or the blending process is not perfectly equidistant.