Hello Everyone

Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread,

I am currently self-teaching/ creating a website for my company, only small time website nothing huge & fancy, however I am struggling to create my latest idea,

I have created a pop out box(navigation bar) map which leads the customer the to exact door they would like a price on, such as ...

103 Grille - White - Dog Door - Small - 3 pt Lock - Lookout mesh,

So my first question is when i direct them to the page with the picture of the selected door how do i write in the values of the selected options?

The final part of my question / idea is with all the options allready selected and added to the final price, how do i make the final stage?

I had in mind a large picture of a blank door, with input spaces for size's and when entered and maybe a calculate button, somehow (script possibly?) it will multiply the Width x Height x (our price formula) + custom choices made in the first stage of selection?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, i consider myself a fast learner just trying to find the right information to learn from :P !

Thanks for Reading